Dark Horse Tattoo – Aftercare

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My tattoo ITCHES! What can I do to take care of this?!

Tattoos itch for a number of reasons. These include:
Allergic response to pigments used
Contaminated pigments
Existing skin conditions/disorders

Most often, the normal process of healing a tattoo will cause some discomfort and itching. If the itching is more than you can take, please, do not slap the tattoo or put more lotion/ointment on the tattoo.

This will make the tattoo itch more in the future. The future being…like 20 minutes.

If the itching is too much for you to handle, use a hot or cold compress on your tattoo to alleviate itching.

When using a hot compress, please be careful to not burn yourself by keeping the time applied to less than five seconds (<5 seconds). If you have delicate or sensitive skin, or if you have had a mild reaction to the pigment, please do not use a hot compress. Doing so will result in aggravation of your symptoms and an increased time of healing.

Cool compresses can be used for anywhere up to 5-10 minutes. Apply the compress and leave in place for up to 10 minutes. Remove compress and wait 15-20 minutes before reapplying.