General Info and Directions

Bus Connections and Parking

Parking around the shop can be difficult to find. There is a parking structure but the day rate for parking is around $25.00 USD. We recommend taking public transit (buses  2432338D LINE. ) or ridesharing to get to and from your appointment.

Alos, be careful when crossing Denny ave. when not at a light. Traffic is known to speed and not give right-of-way to pedestrians.

Contact Us

Parking at our location can be difficult. Please either call ahead or take public transit/ride-sharing to ensure you can make the appointment.

Review Our Tattoo Requirements:

You must be at least 18 years old. (It is illegal in the state of Washington to tattoo a minor, even with parental consent.)

You must bring a valid, photo, government-issued Driver’s License, Permit or Passport. (We can not take expired IDs or IDs that do not have a photo.)

You must eat within 4 hours prior to receiving your Tattoo.

You must not consume alcohol or drugs (including aspirin or most OTC drugs) within 24 hours of your appointment.

Let us know of any underlying medical conditions that you may have.

Reference Material & Size of Tattoo – Consultation

Please gather any pictures or designs that you would like as reference to show the tattooist you are working with.

Also, have a general idea of what you are looking for ready to be described.

Some pointers to help the process:

Let us know how big you want to get your tattoo.

Where you would like to put your tattoo on your body.

If you have a budget, what it is.

Is there any special meaning to the tattoo or do you just like the idea/image.

If you already have your tattoo picked out and do not want any changes, let us know and we will be happy to do it just the way you like.

You might also include your preference of color or black and grey …or a specific kind of style. We are more than happy to help you with the process!


We will go over aftercare with you at the time of your tattoo. 

You can also get a copy of our aftercare by going to the aftercare page on this website.